Welcome to your Muskoka vacation!
Muskoka is one of the most sought-after destinations in Canada due to its natural beauty, vibrant towns and the welcoming people that tie it all together. We are incredibly grateful to be able to share this wonderful area with you and wish nothing but fond memories for you and yours.
To ensure the continued success of these areas that welcome us with open arms, we have established a code of conduct for our Guests. Our code of conduct has been put in place with the purpose of optimizing your experience, supporting the preservation of the environments as well as ensuring safety throughout your stay.
Please familiarize yourself with the following…
- Garbage: Familiarize yourselves with the local collection schedules and the location of your local landfill station. Know what is acceptable in each container and sort it accordingly. Muskoka collects green, household and various recyclable materials. Please put garbage out the morning of pick up so as not to attract wildlife. Any littering of garbage along our roadsides is illegal.
- Noise: Be conscious of your neighbour’s enjoyment of their property at all times. Remember, sound travels very well over the water, especially amplified sound. The Township of Muskoka Lakes has a noise by-law in effect so any noise after 11 pm is an infraction of the by-law and could result in a fine. Pay special attention to campfires and firework displays as they often run into the night.
- Septic Systems: Products advertised as being anti-bacterial should be avoided as they can break down the bacteria necessary for the proper operation of your septic system. Most systems should be pumped out every 2/3 years. Make sure you know the history of your system.
- Neighbours: Please respect your neighbours and their property. Determine property boundaries.
- Occupancy: Property-specific occupancy limits have been established within the contract and cannot be exceeded.
- Parking: Property-specific parking limits have been established within the contract and cannot be exceeded. Consider carpooling. Parking areas may be identified as there is no parking on the septic bed.
- Swimming and Boating Safety: Be sure to keep your boat wakes down near docks and shorelines. Wakes can cause considerable damage and you are the responsible party. Abide by no-wake zones. Always watch out for swimmers and paddlers. Various boat licensing opportunities are available online, or in kiosks throughout the area during the summer.
- Safe Driving: Respect for cyclists on populated Muskoka roads as well as responsible driving on narrow and unpaved cottage roads is expected.
- Campfires & Fire Bans: The Muskoka Fire Danger Ratings are verified daily and updated whenever the ratings change. The ratings can vary between “no daytime burnings” to a “total fire ban.” Please ensure all campfires are fully extinguished by throwing pails of water on the burning embers.
- Fireworks: Not allowed on private cottage property under any conditions.
- Smoking: Smoking is not permitted at any of our rental properties.
- Water Quality is Important: No bathing or washing in the lakes. Even phosphate-free products can be harmful to the water. Ensure the tap water is potable before drinking.
- Wildlife: Please do not feed the wildlife, especially geese or raccoons. Our wildlife are not friendly, just hungry!
- Pets: Familiarize yourself with the Township by-laws regarding pet rules” All dogs must be on a leash. Muskoka encourages a “stoop n’ scoop” practice and provides containers for disposal in area parks.
- Floating Items: Rafts and water toys should be placed so as not to impair boating safety. Often things should be brought to shore before the sun goes down. Floating things are not meant to be a slalom course for jet skis.